Eva Lorraine Lardie

eva lardie

September 6, 1932 ~ December 10, 2024

Born in: Mount Clemens, MI
Resided in: Seguin, TX

Eva Lorraine Lardie

Born on September 6, 1932 in Michigan
Died on December 10, 2024 in Seguin, TX

Eva L. Lardie, age 92 of Seguin, passed away on December 10, 2024 peacefully with family at her side. Eva was born in Mount Clemens., MI, to Harry and Margaret Bossow on September 6, 1932.

She is preceded in death by her husband, Edward, parents, and aunts, Adeline and Alice.

Eva is survived by her aunt, Hazel Kukuk, 96 of Shelby Twp., MI; sister-in-law, Loretta Pons, 92 of Round Rock, TX nephew Brian and Susanne Lardie of New Braunfels, TX, along with numerous other nephews & nieces.

A memorial will be given for Eva Lardie on December 28th at 3:00 p.m. It will take place at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on 1367 Eastwood Dr. in Seguin, TX. The talk will also be streamed via Zoom teleconference on the following coordinates:
Zoom I.D.: 878 4389 4198
Password: 8303796982

For those who wish to connect using only a Phone connection, without a device to access Zoom, please use this number to call in: 830-549-4127, then use the PIN 665190 to be connected into the program. This will allow listening Only, for non-Zoom attendees. Thank you.


Celebration of Life: Saturday, December 28, 2024 3:00 pm

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses - Seguin
1367 Eastwood Dr.
Seguin, TX 78155

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Memories Timeline


  1. Brian & Susanne Lardie along with the extended Lardie family wish to say, “Thank You” for coming by to say Hi or to leave your thoughts. We deeply appreciate the support and love from all of you who no doubt cherish many warm, loving memories of her and Eddie. We realize how well thought of they were for so many years in Seguin and all the people they helped & encouraged. Speaking for ourselves, Brian & Susanne, we certainly have been strengthened & encouraged over many years by the two of them. It’s hard to fathom the end of their family sojourn here which started way back, many decades ago.
    Please feel free to leave your words of remembrance and experiences for all to enjoy. Again, many Thanks.
    – From the Lardie Family

    • A memorial will be given for Eva Lardie on December 28th at 3:00 p.m. It will take place at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on 1367 Eastwood Dr. in Seguin, TX. The talk will also be streamed via Zoom teleconference on the following coordinates:
      Zoom I.D.: 878 4389 4198
      Password: 8303796982

      For those who wish to connect using only a Phone connection, without a device to access Zoom, please use this number to call in: 830-549-4127, then use the PIN 665190 to be connected into the program. This will allow listening Only, for non-Zoom attendees. Thank you.

  2. I did not know my sister but I do know loss. My heart felt condolences to you Brian/family and all who did knew her.

    • Thank you my brother for such kind words, I really appreciate that. You’re my brother in music & part of our spiritual family, and one day you’ll meet Eva your ‘sister’ with her husband Eddie. To know them was to love them. I hope to get to introduce you Very soon now. Then the music will play again!

  3. I’m Dale Lardie, Of Michigan
    Aunt Eva was a beautiful woman, loved by my uncle Eddie.
    We Lardies live music, art, and knowledge. All was shared with and by her.

    It was impossible not to adore her.

    • Sister Lardie was a beautiful sister, she will be missed. I loved receiving her beautiful letters of encouragement , experiences of her beautiful life with brother Lardie and their service to Jehovah. We all loved her

  4. I have few memories of Aunt Eva and Uncle Eddie but I remember Eddies humor and Eva’s friendly demeanor and kindness. I remember visiting them as a kid with my Dad traveling to Texas by bus. On that visit, I remember eating at Dairy Queen with the happy Lardie clan and Aunt Eva washing my hair in the sink so gently when we stayed with her. Eva was a lovely lady and always good to me. Eva lived a long full life till the age of 93.

  5. Every time I would visit Eva I would try and get a laugh out of her or some story about her and Eddie. I’ll never forget as a small child hearing so many stories about the two. But one story in particular sticks with me and forever will, it’s about one of Eva and Eddie’s first hotel stays as a married couple. They were checking into a hotel for one of our Conventions. Eddie pulled up the driveway and got out, in those days customer service was priority and the staff member came out to help with the luggage and check in process. As Eddie was checking in the employee inquired “and what is this young lady’s name so I can add her to the register?” Eddie, never missing a beat replied, “I don’t know, that’s a good question. Hey Red, Red! What’s your name sweetheart the man wants to know!” Needless to say Eva was embarrassed and explained to the employee that they were recently married and gave him her information. I had reminded her of this story recently and she remembers that day vividly saying Eddie never missed an opportunity for a joke. I will miss Eva’s company and her stories of Eddie. But, I take comfort in knowing that our faithful sister is just resting now and waiting for the day when “all those is the memorial tombs will hear his voice”-John 5:28 We loved Eva, and we cherished every moment we got to spend together with her. It’s not goodbye forever, we will see her and Eddie soon and in perfect health.
    Luke & Irene Noriega

  6. I have so many wonderful memories of Aunt Eva and Uncle Eddie – you pretty much can’t think of one without the other as they were inseparable. Even as a little kid I recognized the love they had for each other. I will always remember Aunt Eva for her laugh, her spunk and energy, her fabulous hugs, her gorgeous red hair, and her impossibly good strawberry-rhubarb pies. Of all the road trips my family made to see my dad’s siblings, I was most excited to go see Aunt Eva and Uncle Eddie. It was guaranteed that we would laugh and have fun! Love you, Aunt Eva!

  7. We have many good memories of Aunt Eva and Uncle Eddie, and many happy trips
    to Seguin! Looking forward to seeing them both again in Paradise, young again and
    Ron & Carol Lardie-Michigan

  8. Carol (Lardie) Manade says
    I will miss your sweet letters, phone calls and hearing you read the newest poem you had written. You loved writing poems about Jehovah’s promise of a paradise where there would be no sickness, sorrow or death. When you wake up you will be in that paradise you longed for. I can see you running around asking everyone if they’d seen Eddie yet.
    We love you and can’t wait to welcome you and Uncle Eddie back.

  9. Eva was a beautiful woman. She loved cooking & her and Eddie fed many delicious meals to many. She was a God fearing women who lived to talk and preach about Jehovah God, Jesus and God’s Kingdom. She lived people and wanted to give everybody met an opportunity to give them comfort and hope for the future (She knew her Bible). I want to follow in her example. She was loved by many and will be missed by many. We all look forward to seeing her and Eddie in paradise – healthy and laughing.

    • Linda Elert (Lardie)
      Will see you again someday, Aunt Eva.💖My fondest childhood memory was our family trip to Texas to see Grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We had a very nice time and stayed with Aunt Eva and Uncle Eddie, right next door to Grandma and Grandpa. I was only 9 but it is still a clear and wonderful memory of my Texas family. No other trip compared to that one, in June 1969. Aunt Eva made sure we were fed, comfy and she welcomed us with her warm heart and Uncle Eddie’s humor. What an absolute fun time it was. I will take that memory to my grave and remind her of it in the resurrection. Will look forward to seeing her in a perfect place with no more tears, pain, sorrow or death. The Lardie family is a great bunch, and I miss them all. This too shall pass, and then eternity with God and our loved ones.💖

  10. Linda Elert (Lardie)
    Will see you again someday, Aunt Eva.💖My fondest childhood memory was our family trip to Texas to see Grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We had a very nice time and stayed with Aunt Eva and Uncle Eddie, right next door to Grandma and Grandpa. I was only 9 but it is still a clear and wonderful memory of my Texas family. No other trip compared to that one, in June 1969. Aunt Eva made sure we were fed, comfy and she welcomed us with her warm heart and Uncle Eddie’s humor. What an absolute fun time it was. I will take that memory to my grave and remind her of it in the resurrection. Will look forward to seeing her in a perfect place with no more tears, pain, sorrow or death. The Lardie family is a great bunch, and I miss them all. This too shall pass, and then eternity with God and our loved ones.💖

  11. Sister Lardie and brother Lardie would invite the Noriega’s for dinner ,having a good time and singing kingdom songs the time ever, can’t wait to enjoy that again ,see you guys soon , Love Rose Villanueva (North seguin )

  12. Dear Brian and Sussanne: I was deeply saddened when I heard about the loss of your dear Aunt Eva; She was a faithful sister for so many decades and touched so many lives, but she is now safely in our Fathers loving hands. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the Lardie family during this sad time. While I do not have any direct memories of your Dear Aunt – being as I was so young when she was there in Michigan, I do know many of the Lardie family, and a what a mighty shout of praise to our great God has been sounded in many regions by Eva and her faithful Lardie family!
    What a grand reunion you and your family will have when Jehovah resurrects your aunt – and so many other dearly loved ones,
    Much Agape and Philia from Darryl & Kathy – (the Nicke’s “Down Under”/Australia)

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