Jerad Weston Forcier
March 1, 1973 ~ October 8, 2023
Forcier, Jerad Weston, 50, of Canyon Lake, Texas, passed away on October 8, 2023 in Canyon Lake, Texas. He was born March 1, 1973 in Santa Monica, California to Joan Figliuolo and Leo John Forcier.
He is survived by his wife Laura, his daughters Amber, Trinity, Hayley, stepson Joshua, and his father Leo John Forcier.
A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 1:00pm at Lux Funeral Home in New Braunfels, Texas.
Memorial Service: Sunday, October 29, 2023 1:00 pm
Lux Funeral Home & Cremation Services
1254 Business 35 N.
New Braunfels, TX 78130
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2023-10-29 13:00:00
2023-10-29 13:00:00
JeradWestonForcierMemorial Service
Memorial Service
1254 Business 35 N.,New Braunfels, TX 78130
Jared & Laura have been our next door neighbors for several years. His recent health problems have been sad. We are very disappointed we will not be able to attend the Memorial Service but we have reservations for an RV trip from Oct 20 till Nov 3 to south Texas since spring. We will look forward to being with a Laura & Josh when we get back home.
Praying for the family,
Tom & Maury Meyer
I’ve known Jerad since he first started working at Home Depot in early 2020. We met briefly back when we were in the office, pre-Covid. It was a distinct memory as he sat in a cubicle that I previously occupied. During the locked down and eventually as we all went remote, we began interacting more regularly for work over calls, chats, meetings. We were on separate teams, but we talked almost every week. Seemed coincidence, but we both ended up moving to Comal county. He moved to Canyon Lake and I came to New Braunfels. I rarely saw Jerad in person, but I got to know him pretty well. It was always interesting having long talks with him. It would always start late in the day talking about work, but we end up chatting about personal things for 2-3 hours lasting well into the evening. Those were fun and interesting long talks about…. the lake, hunting, cars, food, family, houses, events, things to do around the area, etc. In January, I told Jerad I needed to checkout his home by the lake. So, I finally came by and met Laura and her son for the first time. Jerad, Laura, and I all went out to dinner and we did a short tour around Canyon Lake. It was a very nice time hanging out. Won’t be the same without Jerad. He definitely had a big heart and always made people feel welcomed. I do plan on attending the service. God Bless Jerad and family.
Elias Leal
I have known Jerad and his family since before Jerad was 2 years old. I live in CA so I have not seen Jerad in years, but his Dad and I remain very close friends. I am not sure how to reduce an almost 50 year friendship into a few sentences, but here goes. Technically, Jerad is my God Son. Anyway, my oldest memory is the 2nd Birthday Party for a little boy with curly golden blonde hair. Yes, he really had hair in his early years. Than I remember camping trips and riding motorcycles and boy scout trips and just hanging out at their house. I don’t really have any bad memories, other than this last one and maybe his Mother’s Funeral (Joan) and his Uncle Robbie’s Funeral. I am hoping that Jerad is now reunited with the family members that left before him. I also want to offer my condolences to his 3 daughters and his wife and his Father and the rest of his extended family and friends. We all lost him way too early. But I do understand that he was suffering in the end and I would never want that for him. RIP Jerad, you and your family will be in my thoughts.
It’s taken me a minute, not becuase I’ve been busy, but becuase I was frozen as to what to say- I want to talk of the joking around with Bert and Ernie, plus the Beavis and Butthead humor, but those things are not really appropriate for this entry. We could take a movie quote from something funny, one would start it and the other would finish it.
We had a time or two. Gonna miss you, Jerad.
I didn’t know Jerad well, but as part of his Home Depot Cyber family, I was greatly saddened to learn of his passing. My thoughts go out to his entire family, all of his friends and coworkers.
If we carry our loved one’s memories, dreams, thoughts and words with us always, then they are never truly gone from us.
I met Jerad when both of us were working at The Home Depot. I couldn’t believe this news when his manager informed us. My last Teams chat with Jerad was February 2023. We were talking about the damages from the Austin Storm. He had some branches fell off and two doors broke, some power outages. My last email thread with him was February too. When the official communication came, I realized we started in the same month in Austin, though we didn’t meet each other. He has been helpful, knowledgeable, responsive, and patient. He was a great guy! He never turned me away. Each time I pinged him and asked him technical questions around domain controllers, do I need to create a ticket for you? He never asked me to create a ticket. I think, easy to approach is what he taught me. That’s inspiring what I am doing too.
May he rest in peace and his family has my prayers.